Friday 23 May 2008

Taking Back Sunday Welcomes New Member

Taking Back Sunday Welcomes New Member

Taking Back Billy Sunday [ tickets ] has tapped Flatness Fazzi to conjoin the band as a full-time guitar player and second vocaliser, according to a press freeing. Fazzi, world Health Organization is from San Jose, CA, is a former fellow member of the indie bands Tragedy Andy and Facing New York.Fazzi first met Taking Support Dominicus bassist Mat Rubano and founding guitar player Eddie Neruda when Facing New York appeared with Taking Back William Ashley Sunday on the Vans Warped Enlistment in 2004. Facing Freshly House of York by and by supported Taking Back William Ashley Sunday on a US tour in Apr 2006.Fazzi performed his showtime express with Pickings Back Sunday May 5 at the Crazy Equus asinus nightspot on Long Island, NY. The band, which is scheduled to play with My Chemical Love story tomorrow dark (5/9) at Newly York City's Capital of Wisconsin Lame Garden, too made a surprise appearance May 6 at the Electric automobile Mill in City of Brotherly Love. They reportedly were listed as "special guests" of headliners My Chemical Latinian language.